Hinterview Hints: How to use video for personal brand

Written by: Emma Thomson · Nov 09, 2021

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In this Hinterview Hint, our experts are sharing their tips for maximising your recruitment strategy with the use of video. A solid personal brand is a vital element in a recruiter's success. We can help!

Watch below to get top tips from Hinterview Customer Success Manager Emma Thomson or keep reading below to get an overview of the valuable information she shares.  Emma will speak on the impact of personal branding, unique ways to change it up, a variety of ways to use video, and how you can use this hint today. Plus, more about the Hinterview platform and how it can help you promote your personal brand using recruitment technology.

Building your personal brand with video starts with... 

There are a lot of recruitment companies out there which makes standing out from the crowd very difficult. If you're offering similar services and competing for the same clients then your competitive advantage is easy, it's you! The benefits of showing off your personality and unique experience are, earning trust with prospective clients, candidates and employers.

Once you've figured out the niche of your personal brand and the message you're trying to communicate, candidates will be able to easily see why you're the recruiter for them. Better yet, this could be what will attract them to work with you. If you reach out to a candidate or client, the first thing they might do is check your profile on social channels such as LinkedIn. You need to make sure your brand is representing who you would like to be known as and remembered by.

The impact of a consistent personal brand

As a famous quote goes, 'your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.' Videos can help with that! Innovative recruitment methods such as using video, depending on how you approach it, can be a low-cost and unique way to communicate your message. Remember that your honesty & authenticity are what will differentiate you in the long run!  

A great example of how video can connect you to an audience is social media influencers. Just by consistency alone, their audience feels like they know the influencer personally because they see their faces and hear their voices regularly. Their followers trust their opinions more because of this connection they’ve made. In fact, '50% of consumers will take some action after reading a positive review.'*

Now, we’re not saying you have to become the next Zoella or Kylie Jenner, but this kind of connection and consistency is something you can easily replicate. If you think of people who post videos consistently on LinkedIn, you are less likely to remember the company they work for, but you will remember their name. This is an example of creating a strong personal brand. People buy from people!  

Don't be afraid to change it up 

When you are reaching out to people, don’t just send out a copy and pasted message. Try to send a short video, we use our one-way video engagement tool Hintro, to promote your personal brand. You don’t need heavy video editing skills or deep-camera knowledge to excel at making high-quality recruitment videos.

Both clients and candidates love the personal touch of using video when you are reaching out to them. This makes them feel valued and will make them remember YOU. They are also more likely to get back to you when you reach out with a video because they feel they know you personally.

If you have a job you are recruiting for, share it with your LinkedIn followers. This way, you’ll stand out on your followers’ feeds and get more engagement. Do it consistently and eventually, your candidates will know to come to your page to check what roles you have available, giving you more exposure.  

At the same time, you want to make sure you are not just posting videos on the same thing. You don’t want your personal brand to be known as boring and repetitive.  Make sure there’s variety! This is a great opportunity to share stories from your own experiences and show off your humour when appropriate. 

There are a variety of ways you can use video

A quick win would be to post about jobs that you're advertising to bring the job description to life. Your enthusiasm about the role and the company could be what encourages a candidate to apply. This also comes into play when presenting a candidate by sharing more about them along in addition to their CV, as seen below on our video recruitment platform.

Hintro (2)
Video job ad

Don't leave it at that though, try posting about talented candidates you are working with. Your voice matters so try sharing your opinion on market knowledge or a personal goal you’ve achieved. There are multiple elements of a recruiters job and day to day so your social feed can represent that.  

You could even collaborate on videos with others in your markets or fellow recruiters. This way, you will not just be reaching out to your audience but also their audience too, increasing your exposure.   

If you’re a recruitment agency, you should encourage your employees to use video for their personal brand. They are not only developing their own profile within their respective markets but also providing your business with more exposure, which ultimately means more sales.  

How to use this Hinterview Hint today 

I really hope you’ve found this Hinterview Hint helpful! Start small by choosing a few topics that you enjoy speaking on and are confident that you could do so long-term. Then try to list out different videos you could do on those topics for example jobs you're advertising, candidates you're working with and a wild card - recruiters who work from home. 

The next time you're going to post a job description, try explaining it to the camera instead. Treat every video you send or share as a chance to build your personal brand as a recruiter. Just be consistent, be authentic, and be creative. The more you put it into practice, the easier it will become.   

Using video in your recruitment strategy   

Hinterview is a platform created by recruiters, for recruiters, that offers a suite of world-class video tools to enhance every aspect of a recruiter’s life. Video is here to stay and our tools are proven to increase candidate attraction, win new business and build meaningful relationships.

Our Hintro video engagement tool is one that our customers particularly love to use for candidate attraction, as it gives them a quick, easy-to-use way of reaching out to candidates through video.

Our Campaigns feature even allows you to send Hintros en masse and keep track of analytics in real-time using our intuitive dashboard.

Enhance your candidates experience further using Hinterview & Questions to meet your candidates virtually and create video profiles that slash your time to hire. Plus, you can streamline your client's process and minimise their cost of hiring using our Portal.

If you want to find out more about how Hinterview can help your business maximise its potential with video, book a demo by clicking the button below.

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