Hinterview and Bullhorn

Are you using Bullhorn? How are you integrating video?
Our Bullhorn integration is fully mutual and 100% seamless, giving you more time to do your job.

Submit your details and get a demo today!

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Seamless Integration

Seamless Client Portal integration for improved process management

Never leave Bullhorn

Use all Hinterview features within your existing Bullhorn workflows

Easily measure ROI

Easily measure ROI with full notes integration

More time to do your job

Hinterview fits with your Bullhorn workflows like no other video platform. Greater syncing power and automated note tracking mean no duplication and more time to do your job!
  • Seamless Client Portal integration for improved process management
  • Stay within the Bullhorn platform and use all Hinterview features within your existing Bullhorn workflows
  • Easily measure ROI with full notes integration
Bullhorn integration screenshot
Montage of Hinterview on different devices

Benefit from onboarding, training and support

Adapting to new technology in your recruitment process can be daunting. That’s why Hinterview offers bespoke onboarding. Training spans 4-6 weeks and is focused on the outcome of your business goals.
Recruiter and candidate on Hinterview

#1 Bullhorn Video Integration

Niche Recruitment logo

Niche Recruitment

“The integration has worked seamlessly. We have been particularly impressed by the pace of the Hinterview team adding more additional functionalities to the already great platform over the past 12 months.”
G2 logo

Shaunagh D - G2

"Hinterview is helping us to modernise and update our operations - we're able to look at our process and engaging our audience in a new and unique way in comparison to our competitors."
Zetter logo

Zetter Recruitment

"We've used Hinterview as part of our recruitment process for over a year now and our clients love it! I can't imagine a world of recruitment without Hinterview... and I can't imagine working with another video interview company. Their product and service is faultless!"

Get started with Hinterview

As the preferred choice for recruiters globally, our full platform and features need to be seen in action.
Ready to start the conversation? Simply fill out the form and a member of our team will be in touch.

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© Hinterview Limited 2025. Registered in England and Wales with company registration number 09925360 and at address 3rd Floor Paternoster House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard, London, United Kingdom, EC4M 8AB.