Hinterview Hints: How to use video for candidate attraction

Written by: Harriet Holyfield · Nov 03, 2021

Stock image of 2 women sat around a laptop

In this Hinterview Hint, our experts are sharing their tips for maximising your recruitment strategy with the use of video. We have you covered with some quick and effective steps you can take today to attract top candidates.

In this video, Hinterview Senior Enterprise Customer Success Manager Harriet Holyfield talks about how, in a candidate short market, you can use videos to stand out. Watch the video below or keep reading to get an overview of the valuable recruitment information she shares.

I'm sharing why you should use video for candidate attraction, how to create your own opportunities, take your outreach to the next level, the importance of communication, and why your process shouldn't end when the role is closed. You'll also get steps you can use today and how-to strategies for the future.

Why you should use video for candidate attraction

 I’m sure you don’t need to tell me that the current candidate market is extremely turbulent and talent-short, with a hell of a lot of roles available but not enough candidates to fill them. This begs the question, where are all the candidates?

With this in mind, it’s more important than ever for you to stand out from the crowd and get your roles seen by the right candidates. In a candidate short market, the use of video can make all the difference, and I can tell you why! 

I worked in recruitment for 3 years before joining the Customer Success Team at Hinterview, where I’ve been for the last two years. In that time, I’ve helped hundreds of recruiters utilise the power of video to attract great candidates and enhance their candidate experience. Here are my top tips for using video for candidate attraction:

Make opportunities to stand out 

Research has found that job adverts containing videos receive up to 316% more engagement on social media. When posting an advert for a role on LinkedIn, consider including a short video: it could be as simple as a recording of yourself giving a 1-minute introduction to the role.

Try using the structure: Hook, Sell, Call to Action. Rather than just talking through the job description, mention the training, career opportunities and people within the business that are going to really engage your potential candidates.

If you want to take this one step further, have a think about getting your clients involved! Create videos with the hiring manager, team leads or other members of the business that could help sell the opportunity. After all, people buy from people.

Take your outreach from cold to bold

Video prospecting can more than quadruple the engagement you receive, so it's a brilliant way to headhunt and get candidates bought into you from day one. Including a short video when reaching out to candidates via LinkedIn InMail, email or WhatsApp.

Our Hintro tool is a great and easy-to-use way of doing this. For the best engagement and for getting a response in particularly candidate short markets, make sure to personalise your video message. Nobody likes to receive a copy & pasted message. Make sure to highlight parts of the role that are relevant to them and their experience!

Communication is key

Meeting your candidates via video rather than just a phone call, allows you to build a better rapport, leading to a stronger relationship and easier management.

Candidates are looking for continuous status updates throughout the recruitment process; lack of communication is one of the biggest reasons they drop out. Nobody wants to feel like they’ve been forgotten. So make them quick and personalised to keep your candidates engaged using video. Tell them about status updates on roles, feedback from interviews, or, congratulatory messages when they secure the job!

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Video to candidate

The process doesn't stop when the role is secured (to not)

Video is a brilliant way to keep in touch with candidates within your network; think about creating videos of company updates, new roles you're representing, or even testimonial videos from previous candidates.

And finally, whenever you’re creating a video, remember, keep it short, talk about something that's going to engage them, and just be yourself!

As recruiters, some of your best assets are your personality, communication, and ability to build rapport - so make sure this is coming across in your videos!

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Candidate video profile

How to use this Hinterview Hint today 

I realise this isn't something you can jump into overnight, but you can slowly adapt your recruitment strategy. Especially, in this candidate-short market, we're all looking for easy and effective ways to stand out. I recommend starting off by including short videos in your LinkedIn updates when promoting a role.

It's a great way to get comfortable with using video in the safe confines of your LinkedIn audience! If you need help making high-quality videos, you can always speak to us at Hinterview for tips.

Learn more about our suite of video recruitment tools

Hinterview is a platform created by recruiters, for recruiters, that offers a suite of world-class video tools to enhance every aspect of a recruiter’s life. Video is here to stay and our tools are proven to increase candidate attraction, win new business and build meaningful relationships.

Our Hintro video engagement tool is one that our customers particularly love to use for candidate attraction, as it gives them a quick, easy-to-use way of reaching out to candidates through video.

Our Campaigns feature even allows you to send Hintros on masse and keep track of analytics in real-time using our intuitive dashboard.

Enhance your candidates experience further using Hinterview & Questions to meet your candidates virtually and create video profiles that slash your time to hire. Plus, you can streamline your client's process and minimise their cost of hiring using our Client Portal.

If you want to find out more about how Hinterview can help your business maximise its potential with video, book a demo by clicking the button below.

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