[Download] How to catch the elusive hiring manager

Written by: Alicia · Oct 17, 2022

Stock image of man on video call with woman

Do you have an army of delivery consultants who are under-equipped to deal with a change in the market? Are you looking to differentiate yourself?

The next question isn’t whether you should use video to maximise your current sales priorities.

It’s what kind of videos you should be using to protect your investment and clients to date, and increase the chance of filling new roles you pull. Videos play a significant part in the effectiveness of social media networks like LinkedIn as well as email, where your business thrives.

“93% of companies have acquired new customer(s) via social media video.” - Sprout Social

We’re giving you an effective addition to cold calling. We're also sharing an easy-to-follow video formula,  what your video should include, how to attract new business and how the video should look plus more on digital transformation. Keep reading to learn how to use video for business development in order to catch the elusive hiring manager.

Can video be used as an introduction?

If you know you’re good at your job but struggle to articulate this to new prospects or even get them on the phone, then try video. Instead of waiting for a cold call to be answered, skip the phone tag and introduce yourself with a short video introduction. Video adds a personal touch so you can start building a rapport even before they return your call and be more memorable once they do.

“73% said they’d prefer to watch a short video vs 3% who’d like a sales call or demo.” - Wyzowl

Recording a video can take as little as 20 seconds, quicker than typing a lengthy cover sheet, and you can send it directly via InMail, email or WhatsApp. With the right analytics or recruitment technology, you will know when a video has been watched and for how long. Imagine knowing exactly when a hiring manager is reading the CV and watching you sell the candidate via video. Here is an example of what this message would look like with Hinterview:

Hinterview -BD example

Even if you can’t get the client on the phone, they can still be sold to. There are no extra steps for this client now, it's as quick as opening a word document.

“The average engagement rate for short-form video content is 53.9%.” - Wistia

What should my video include?

We recommend that any video outreach is kept to under 60 seconds for optimum engagement. Whether you’re chasing a job with a busy hiring manager or qualifying a job with a repeat client, you’ll need to get to the point fast.

From the beginning, you want the viewer to know the main reason you’re reaching out. For example, an opportunity to work with them on filling a role. Then give a quick intro about yourself and your recruitment agency.

This is your chance to sell what you learnt from the qualification call. You’re going to demonstrate that you’ve talked to the candidate by detailing their availability, ability and commitment.

End the video with a 'call to action' by directing them to your contact details or how you would like them to follow up. Be as authentic as possible. Avoid being scripted or putting on an ‘act’ when you’re on camera, as clients can normally see through this. People really do buy from people, so allow your natural personality to shine through.

Can I attract new business with video? 

If your priorities include identifying new business opportunities and researching potential clients, then try stepping outside of the box. Recording a short video for social media is an opportunity for you to get engagement and extend your reach. You have the authority to speak on trending topics and give your expert opinion on industry changes. This kind of social media activity will attract followers and connections that will open the opportunity for new business.  

“Increased competition is the biggest obstacle to winning new clients.” - Bullhorn  

One of our Hinterviewers, White Horse Employment, experienced this first-hand when they posted a video job description on LinkedIn for a role they were recruiting for. A hiring manager saw the post when casually scrolling LinkedIn and reached out because they were hiring for a similar role. This client turned into a customer and became one of their biggest projects yet.  

This client chose White Horse over bigger firms because of their straightforward, tech-savvy video recruitment process, including their use of video. This win turned into an account that now generates £60-70k a year for them. 

What should my video look like? 

“Half of social media users prefer video over other types of content.” - Sprout Social 

Sharing videos requires a data-led, test-and-learn approach to find out what works. The way you film will evolve into what has performed well in the past and testing different times to see what works best. 

That’s why it’s important to try a variation of video lengths, tone of the message or even the logistics of your video such as time of day or day of the week. Soon you’ll know exactly what kind of videos will get engagement.  

Video is the medium that social channels prefer so don’t let production quality or filming experience hold you back. If you want your videos to look professional and consistent, then read our tips for how to make high-quality recruitment videos

Video for Digital Transformation

If your USP is the same as thousands of other recruiters in your niche, then are you looking at how your recruitment tech stack can improve that? Adding video to every step of the recruitment process will differentiate you from your competition. With a recruitment technology, like Hinterview, you can offer a premium service for your clients.

Offering a premium service also means you can reasonably increase your fees with new opportunities or when renegotiating with repeat clients. Your video service would benefit your clients because you would be condensing the qualification calls with candidates, sending video profiles of candidates to hiring managers to review on their own time and skipping unsuitable first interviews plus much more; all of which elevate the recruitment experience. The best part is that you can easily prove this return during negotiation.

“Digital Transformation is a top priority of recruiters globally in 2022.” - Bullhorn 

Learn more about Hinterview

Hinterview ® is the only 360 video recruitment platform designed by recruiters, for recruiters, to help increase your net fee income and speed up deal cycles.

  • Use video outreach to get the attention of high-value clients and hard-to-reach candidates
  • Send video campaigns to targeted lists and improve your response rates overnight
  • Create video job ads and source placeable candidates before your competition
  • Create video questions for candidates to answer in their own time, improve their experience and reduce drop-out
  • Record and share video profiles of candidates with clients, reducing time to placement
  • Present video shortlists of the best candidates and offer a productised, premium service

Join the thousands of innovative recruiters using our video platform to improve forecasting, boost profitability and supercharge growth. If you want to learn more about how Hinterview can help your business maximise its potential with video, book a demo by clicking the button below.

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