Framework for the implementation of video as an individual

Written by: Alicia · Mar 06, 2024

Stock image of woman on video call

Using new technology can be incredibly daunting, especially if it feels like everybody around you is using it seamlessly. There appears to be an assumption that simply because we live in a digital world, we must take to technology tools like a duck does to water. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for a lot of people, so if the thought of new technology sends a shiver down your spine, just know you’re not alone.

When launching Hinterview, we wanted to ensure that our technology was user-friendly. We know that the market that we’re selling to (recruiters) will only invest in tools that will improve what they’re already doing. This will continue to be a big focus of ours as we grow.

A huge part of simplifying our implementation process is enabling recruiters to purchase Video Outreach on their own. 

Why have we chosen to do this?

We understand that all recruiters work differently, and having our solution built specifically for agencies meant that individual recruiters were potentially losing out on the benefits of our platform. Now, we’ve enabled individual responsibility for the recruiter, enabling them to get started in seconds. You don’t need to wait for a demo if you don’t want/need one, nor do you need to jump through loads of hoops to get started.

We’ve put together a framework for the implementation of video if you’re an individual user, so let’s dive in!

Step 1: Proof of Concept

Your proof of concept is all about testing if it works. In essence, you should make yourself available to maximise the trial or pilot that you get. 

During this period, your proof of concept should cover the following:

  • Technically, does everything work (sound, video, connection, quality)
  • Where am I putting this in my process? Does it have a specific place?
  • Do I understand how to use the product or do I need a demo?

Step 2: Proof of Value

Proof of value is all about seeing whether the product is worthwhile for you. 

Now, you aren’t going to get immediate results from one business development call, so you can’t expect to get immediate results from your first video.

The idea of proof of value is looking at the value that you need to see, and working out what you need to get there.

Typically, we suggested focusing on these  4 key pillars. specifically when trying to improve your sales engagement with videos using our Video Outreach solution.

  • Recipient - who is receiving the video.
  • Content - your message, both within the video and attached to it.
  • Channel - where you send the video and where this step sits in your cadence.
  • Volume - how often you send videos.

Here’s how to get started...

Step 3: Start building your framework

What can a framework typically look like?

Let’s say that you’re struggling with cold outreach to ensure that you’re giving video  the best chance for success, so here are some considerations for each pillar:


  • Is your database/contacts organised? 
  • Do you have a set list of recipients to try out video with?
  • Consider the level of awareness these contacts will have of you and your services. (for example, will they receive one video or a set?)
  • From this pillar, you’ll get more insight into who videos work well with, what audience you should use them for, and who you need to continue experimenting with.


  • Record a set of general/foundation videos (see our suggestions here)
  • Ensure that you have dedicated time each week to research, record and upload relevant video content
  • Have variety in your video content. This could be how you start the video or the CTA at the end. There is not one right answer here.

From this pillar, you’ll learn more about the content that performs well. How long videos should be and what they should include? As well as the message you attach to your video.


  • LinkedIn: are you posting on your feed publicly or sharing directly? Are there opportunities to do both?
  • Email: Whether it’s a mail shot or direct to one person. You could also include the video in a piece of content like a newsletter or embedded in a market update.
  • InMail: Great for people you aren’t yet connected with but want to get their attention.
  • WhatsApp: If you prefer sending a text message to reach out to candidates or clients then this is another great opportunity to connect. Meeting your audience where they prefer to communicate is key.


  • How big is your potential audience with video?
  • How often are you going to engage with them using video outreach?
  • How many videos could each person get in a campaign?

What can this look like in practice?

Let’s say you decide to reach out to 25 Finance Directors using a 3-step video outreach model. The first two videos will be general and pre-recorded, whereas the final video can be personalised.

You’d want to measure as part of your framework:

  • The number of opens/views
  • The number of replies
  • The number of booked meetings

Measuring anything beyond this, such as generating a placement, can skew your metrics. Although this could be achieved within a reasonable time, it’s important to be realistic with your expectations. After the first week, if you’re unhappy with any of the above metrics within the framework, you can adjust (for example higher volume, varied content, or different recipients) and measure the ROI with new metrics!

Finally, it’s important to be realistic

Implementing video as an individual is going to take time, so hoping to achieve life-changing results within two weeks doesn’t make sense. Deal cycles tend to be longer than a fortnight, so hoping to achieve top-line results isn't realistic. Instead, use the results you get from the video and compare them to the current results you’re getting without video. If there’s a considerable improvement, then it’s worth progressing. 

What's next

Embrace the journey, be realistic with expectations, and remember that the true impact may unfold gradually. With clear communication, ongoing training, and a commitment to continuous improvement, your organization can navigate the path of tech adoption, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency.

To harness the full potential of video in recruitment, we encourage you to explore Hinterview solutions, which provide a comprehensive toolkit for video outreach and talent delivery. Don't limit your recruitment efforts when video can revolutionise the way you engage with clients and candidates.

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